

Please scroll down page for prices, contract and agreement.

Please call 07752909887 Thankyou.




Use of facilities,
Feeding A.M
Turning out A.M,
Bringing In P.M

£250.00 pcm herd turnout with no hind shoes.
£300 pcm Individual turnout with hind shoes. 
Extra large stables add £25.00 to above fees

Extra Services if required:
Muck out, Make up A.M & P.M. Feeds, Make up haynet -£10 Mats only..£15 if full bed
Rug change - 50p to take off 50p to put on
Bring in - £1
Fly Masks/Sun cream - 50p

Hay, Feed, Bedding in stock.
Transferred into the account prior to collection


Includes :
Use of facilities,
Feeding A.M. & P.M.
Turning out A.M.& Bringing in P.M.,
Daily Mucking out,
Hay, Feed and Bedding provided.
For Haylage add £35.00 to Livery fee

FEE’s From :
£625.00 pcm Herd turnout with no hind shoes.
£675.00 pcm Individual turnout with hind shoes.

Extra large stables add £25.00 to above fees

Lungeing - £10.00 session
Schooling/ Exercising - £25.00
Grooming - £5.00
Picking out feet - £1.00

Please note : Acceptance of Livery Services at Shannon Leigh Stables constitutes acceptance of rules and agreement/contract whether signed or not, as these are on public display online and on the premises.

Contract for the Supply of Livery Services 

Our policy at Shannon Leigh is for our animals to be happy and healthy, and the people to be friendly and conscientious. 
The rules detailed below are for everyones benefit and are not meant to offend. 

Yard opening and closing times are from 8am to 9pm during the week, and 8am to 7pm at weekends. 
Owners going to shows or visiting a sick horse may do so outside opening times providing prior notice is given. 

We have a worming programme and all new horses must be wormed on arrival. 
They will then join the programme and be wormed at the same time as the rest of the horses. 
Wormers will be billed separately from the livery. 

All liveries have free use of the arenas, 
The lights are metered at £1 per twenty minutes. 
The Lungeing arena lights are Free of charge but MUST be switched off after use. 
The arena rules must be adhered to. 
All jumps must be put away after use and any manure is to be picked up immediately your horse has been untacked. 
This to ensure that the surface remains in good condition. 
No excessive or dangerous jumping or galloping is allowed for obvious safety reasons. 
No loose schooling is allowed unless with prior permission. 
Lungeing is permitted in the Lunge arena only. 
Feed, hay, bedding is only to be bought from our premises.

Livery is paid per calendar month in advance and non refundable, 
it is to be paid by the 27th of the preceeding month to ensure it 
reaches the stables account by the 1st of the month. 
Late Livery payment will incur a charge of £5 per day if not paid within three days of due date.

One calendar month's livery (1st to last day of month) as a non refundable deposit is required to ensure that 'at least' one month's notice is honoured by both parties. 
Notice must be given prior to the 1st , notice received after the 1st will extend the notice to the end of the following month. 
Written notice is required from both parties if either one wishes to terminate the contract/agreement. 
In the event that the livery fee's or any additional costs due under this contract/agreement remain unpaid for more than three (3) months after they first become due, the owner of the horse agrees that Shannon Leigh Stables can sell the horse, provided that written notice is given to the owner of the horse with the intention to sell at least Seven (7) days before the sale of the horse. 
From the monies received from the sale of this horse, Shannon Leigh Stables can retain such funds as cover for any unpaid sums due under this contract/agreement 
and the reasonable costs of sale. 
Any remaining money will be returned to the owner within thirty (30) days of sale. 

Rugs will be charged at 50p to take off and 50p to put on each rug. 
It is highly advised to supply three different thickness of rugs (e.g. lightweight, mediumweight and heavyweight) instead of layering rugs which is uncomfortable for the horse, time consuming for ourselves and costly for you. 
We also recommend using the new breathable waterproof dual purpose indoor/turnout rugs to lower your expense instead of buying three weights of indoor rugs and three weights of turnout rugs.    
Please launder your horse's rugs at the end of winter, so they can be put away clean ready for the forthcoming winter. 

Fly masks and/or Sun cream is 50p to put on.

Vet and farrier visits will be arranged and paid for by yourselves. 

All Liveries must obtain their own wood keys (available from the Woodland Trust through Mount Mascals). 
These must be paid for, and it is unfair to ask to borrow another person's key and also you will not covered by your insurance in the case of an accident. 

All D.I.Y. liveries are required to Poo Pick their horses field certain days each week on a rota. Anyone not doing their allocated day will be charge £5 per barrow for us to do it for you.

Although we take the utmost care to ensure your horses safety, accidents do some times happen. 
We and other liveries will not take responsibility for such accidents, e.g. if another horse kicks yours. 

Any damage caused at Shannon Leigh by yourself, your horse, your property, your visitors or your actions will be your responsibility. 

Passports 'by Law' should remain with the horse at all times and 
should be handed in on arrival with the livery contract. 
Passports should be collected if horse is travelling e.g. to vets or a show. 

All horses are required to have 3rd party and public liability insurance 
and up to date 'flu' and tetanus vaccinations. 

SMOKING in or near the stables or barn is strictly forbidden for obvious safety reasons. 
Anyone found smoking in these areas will be asked to leave immediately.
The permitted smoking area is outside the clubhouse.
All cigerette butts are to be put in the ash tray and not left on the ground any where.

Any mistreatment to their own or anyone else's horse will not be tolerated. 
Any thieves will be reported to the police and may end in prosecution. 
Any violent, abusive, slanderous or libelous behaviour towards us, our staff or other liveries will not be tolerated. 
No notice will be given in these circumstances and this contract will be terminated immediately and your livery/deposit payment will not be returned.

Riding hats to the current BHS standard MUST be worn at all times whilst mounted , lungeing, or leading at Shannon Leigh. Including turning out and bringing in.
This includes visiting instructors.
You ride and handle your horse at your own risk and we accept no responsibility for any accident or injury you or your horse receives at Shannon Leigh Stables.

All liveries agree that in the event of an emergency, if they can not be contacted  that they give a representative of Shannon Leigh permission to call a veterinary surgeon on their behalf, who may need to administer euthanasia . 

Please ensure you clean and tidy up after yourselves, your horses, your dogs, and your children! Dogs (on a lead only) and children are welcome at Shannon Leigh under strict supervision by yourselves only. 
Swearing and bad language is not permitted especially around children.

If you bring your horse in during the daytime after we have mucked out please ensure that you sweep both their stable and the area outside before you leave. 
D.I.Y's are required to sweep up outside their stable, their feedrooms , washbays and any area they have used.

Your cars, tack and all property are left at your own risk and should be kept locked at all times. 

We hope that you and your horse/s will have a long and happy stay at Shannon Leigh and would like to take this opportunity to welcome you. 

Ms L A Kerr .................................... Dated..........................................

On behalf of Shannon Leigh Stables

I hereby sign in agreement to the above rules and regulations of this contract


Print name





Tel :- 07752909887 email shannonleighstables@hotmail.com

Shannon Leigh Stables
Stable Lane
Vicarage Road

Livery Details
Name of Owner/Keeper
(must be over 18yo)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Home Address-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Contact Numbers

Name of horse--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Brief Description (incl. Freeze mark etc.)--------------------------------------------------------------------------

Any special requirements--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Farriers name and tel. no.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Vets name and tel no.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Date of last Flu/Tet (photocopy required)---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name of Insurance Co. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Insurance policy no.(photocopy required)----------------------------------------------------------------------------

P.I.O. and Passport ULEN Number-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Livery amount PCM----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Deposit paid----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Date of arrival--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I agree the above details are true to the best of my knowledge.

Signed and dated----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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